The Inventory Ledger report provides an Amazon FBA Seller with a consolidated view of an Amazon Seller inventory.
The Inventory Ledger report is like a bank statement for an Amazon Seller inventory. It provides end-to-end inventory reconciliation capability by showing your starting inventory balance, received Inventory, customer orders, customer returns, adjustments, removals, and ending balance for an Amazon account.
The Inventory Ledger report supports inventory management and accounting analysis. Also, since it includes Inventory received in the fulfillment center, adjustments, and reconciliation events, you can see inventory movement within Amazon fulfillment centers.
Amazon Sellers should use this report to analyze inventory movements to and from fulfillment centers, including sold, returned, removed, disposed of, damaged, lost, and found products. As a result, it is common for an Amazon Seller to use this data in their accounting software.
Amazon delivers this report’s historical movement data of Seller inventory for 18 months.
Per Amazon, the Inventory Ledger report replaces six reports:
- Daily Inventory History
- Monthly Inventory History
- Inventory Event Detail
- Inventory Adjustments
- Inventory Reconciliation
- Received Inventory
As of January 31, 2023, these six reports are no longer available.
What Is Included In The Amazon Inventory Ledger Report?
You can view inventory events in the Inventory Ledger report using the Summary and Detailed views.
Ledger Report: Summary View
The summary view of the Inventory Ledger report shows a history of inventory events (such as receipts, shipments, and adjustments) by SKU and disposition (such as sellable, customer damaged, carrier damaged, fulfillment center damaged, expired, distributor damaged, and defective).
The freshness of the data depends on the period by which the report is aggregated. For daily aggregation, the data is refreshed each day. For weekly, the data is refreshed every Monday. The data is refreshed monthly on the second day of the month.
Ledger Report: Detailed View
The detailed View of the Inventory Ledger report details all inventory events in fulfillment centers, including event type, quantity, location, country, and disposition. Data in the detailed View is updated in near real-time.
If you notice any discrepancies, try expanding the dates of your report. An inventory event could have occurred in the previous month, which would affect your data in the report window. Extending the dates of your report can give you a better understanding of your inventory movements. The best way to reconcile Inventory is to use the FNSKU field to specify the product in each report.
You can also view your reimbursements in the online report by clicking See reimbursements for the reported dates. Reimbursements for lost or damaged units may take up to 45 days to post to your account. To learn more about reimbursements, go to the FBA inventory reimbursement policy.
Understanding Ledger Report Adjustment Types And Reason Codes
Adjustment-type rows in the Inventory Ledger report’s detailed View show the history of adjustments to your Inventory in response to issues such as disposition changes, misplaced Inventory, found Inventory, and ownership corrections. Inventory adjustments are categorized by type and reason code.
- The type shows whether an adjustment increases or decreases your inventory level.
- The reason code describes the adjustment that was made.
Inventory adjustments often occur in pairs. For example, suppose your Inventory changes disposition from sellable to expired. In that case, there will be two adjustments to your Inventory: a decrease in your sellable Inventory and an increase in your expired Inventory.
The following table lists all inventory adjustment reason codes and their type.
Inventory dispositions
Inventory disposition represents the physical state of a unit or units for an Amazon Seller account.
Reconciliation events
Inventory adjustments for misplaced Inventory found and Damaged at the Amazon fulfillment center will have corresponding reconciliations. You can view these reconciliations in both online and downloadable views.
The following table lists all possible original event and reconciliation event combinations.
Inventory adjustments other than Inventory misplaced, Inventory found, and Damaged at the Amazon fulfillment center will not show a reconciliation reason in the online or downloadable View.
Why are my items being researched?
You will notice a new inventory classification on the Manage FBA inventory page and report called Researching. This represents the misplaced or fulfillment-center-damaged Inventory that is actively being confirmed at our fulfillment centers.
A timeline shows the duration of the research, which will always be at most 30 days. Once the Inventory being researched has been reimbursed or exceeded the 30-day period, an Amazon Seller will see the corresponding adjustment to the Inventory Ledger report’s detailed View. For inventory adjustments after March 19, 2021, an Amazon FBA Seller does not have to wait 30 days to file a claim because Amazon will handle the 30-day research duration for them.
How Access Your Ledger Reports: Manual Wrangling or Full Automation?
Amazon offers the Selling Partner API to Vendors and Sellers for direct, official access to reports. Amazon also allows online viewing and manual downloads by logging into your Seller Central account.
Amazon Automation: Ledger Summary and Detail Reports
Automation ensures your team can skip the manual data wrangling and take control of your Inventory Ledger data.
Store reports in a private data lake or cloud warehouses such as Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure Data Lake, and Amazon Athena.
Your team can then leverage best-in-class analytics and business tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, or Amazon Quicksight.
Are you interested in automation? Openbridge offers code-free, fully-automated access to your Amazon Seller Central reporting data.
Manual Reporting: Online Or Request Report For Download
You can view adjustments to your Inventory online in Seller Central or by downloading the Inventory Ledger report’s detailed View.
- The View online method is recommended for quickly viewing inventory adjustments and reconciliations. When there is a reconciliation for an inventory adjustment, a link will connect you to either the reconciliation adjustment in the Inventory Ledger report’s detailed View or the reimbursement transaction in the Reimbursement report.
- The Download method is recommended for understanding the reconciliation status of inventory adjustments at scale.

To manually view your inventory or download adjustments online, follow these steps:
- In the Inventory Ledger report, click View online.
- Select Summary or Detailed View, and select the desired date range in the Date Range drop-down menu.
- If you want to filter the results further, add the Merchant SKU, Fulfillment Network SKU, ASIN, or any combination of those identifiers.
- Click Generate report.
The report will generate multiple pages if there are more than 50 inventory adjustments.
You can get more information in the online View about the reconciled quantities with reason codes for Damaged at the Amazon fulfillment center, Inventory misplaced, or Inventory found. For unreconciled quantities with reason codes for Damaged at the Amazon fulfillment center and Inventory misplaced, you may be eligible for reimbursement under the FBA inventory reimbursement policy.
Get Started Automating Inventory Ledger Reports — For Free
Ditch the legacy manual report downloads for code-free Amazon SP-API automation. Openbridge offers official SP-API data automation, one of the most powerful tools Amazon Sellers can tap into. Accelerate the speed at which your team can gain valuable insights to deliver data-driven growth and profit.
Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our Amazon Seller Inventory Ledger Report automation
Amazon Inventory Ledger Report was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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