Manage FBA Inventory Report: A Comprehensive Overview

Manage FBA Inventory Report

Key components of the FBA Inventory Report to optimize performance and growth.

Efficient inventory management is the backbone of successful e-commerce operations, and Amazon provides sellers with valuable tools to achieve this, including the Manage FBA Inventory report.

This report offers essential information about your listings, product conditions, quantities, and dispositions, making it an indispensable resource for day-to-day inventory management tasks. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Manage FBA Inventory report in depth, including field definitions, report scheduling, and how to harness its power for effective inventory control.

Understanding the Manage FBA Inventory Report

The Manage FBA Inventory report provides sellers with vital data on their products within Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) network. It covers listing details, product conditions, quantities, and more. It’s important to note that archived listings are not included in this report.

Why the Manage FBA Inventory Report Matters

This report is instrumental for several reasons:

  1. Inventory Oversight: It offers detailed insights into your inventory, helping you monitor and manage it effectively.
  2. Product Information: You can access crucial information such as SKUs, ASINs, product names, and conditions.
  3. Pricing Insights: Your current selling prices are available, allowing you to make informed pricing decisions.
  4. Fulfillment Methods: It indicates whether a product is listed for fulfillment by you or by Amazon (Fulfillment by Amazon — FBA).

Field Definitions in the Report

To fully grasp the Manage FBA Inventory report, let’s explore its key field definitions:

| Field Name                 | Description                                                      | Example          |
| sku | Unique product identifier (letters or numbers) assigned by you. | AB-8675309 |
| fnsku | Unique identifier assigned by Amazon for FBA products. | X00000E5TX |
| asin | Amazon's unique identifier for items. | B003ZYF3LO |
| product-name | The title of your product. | Toysmith Nonstick Bakeware Set |
| condition | The condition of your product (e.g., New or Used - Good). | New |
| your-price | Your current selling price. | 10.25 |
| mfn-listing-exists | "Yes" indicates if the product is listed for fulfillment by you. | Yes |
| mfn-fulfillable-quantity | Quantity in your fulfillment network ready for picking and shipping. | 10 |
| afn-listing-exists | "Yes" indicates if the item is listed for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). | Yes |
| afn-warehouse-quantity | Number of units for an SKU in fulfillment centers (processed). | 35 |
| afn-fulfillable-quantity | Number of units for an SKU in fulfillment centers (pickable). | 20 |
| afn-unsellable-quantity | Number of units for an SKU in fulfillment centers (unsellable). | 5 |
| afn-reserved-quantity | Number of units for an SKU in fulfillment centers (reserved). | 10 |
| afn-total-quantity | Total units for an SKU in a shipment or fulfillment centers. | 55 |
| per-unit-volume | Volume in cubic feet of one unit (to the nearest 1/100 of an inch). | 0.23 |
| afn-inbound-working-quantity | Units in a shipment to fulfillment centers that you've notified Amazon about. | 10 |
| afn-inbound-shipped-quantity | Units in a shipment to fulfillment centers with tracking numbers provided. | 5 |
| afn-inbound-receiving-quantity | Units in a shipment not yet received at a fulfillment center, part of a shipment with some units already received. | 5 |
| afn-researching-quantity | Units being researched at Amazon's fulfillment centers. | 1 |
| afn-future-supply-buyable | Units available for customers while inventory is on its way through In-Stock Head Start. | 10 |
| afn-reserved-future-supply | Units purchased by customers while inventory is on its way through In-Stock Head Start. | 5 |

Report Scheduling for Effective Management

To optimize your inventory management, you can schedule the generation of the Manage FBA Inventory report. Here’s how to do it:

Creating a Scheduled Report

  • On the Manage FBA Inventory report page, navigate to the “Schedule” tab.
  • From the drop-down menus, select the desired report frequency (e.g., daily, weekly), a future start date, and the preferred report format.
  • Click “Create scheduled report.”

Your schedule will be listed in the “My schedule” section of the page. Note that you can only create one schedule per report.

Depending on your chosen frequency, the report will be generated around midnight in your store’s time zone. Each scheduled report will be stored in the “Scheduled reports” section, with a maximum limit of 30 reports, listed in chronological order.

If you require an immediate report, you can download it directly from the “Download” tab. Please note that manually requested reports won’t be listed in the “Scheduled reports” section.

Go Faster With Selling Partner API Manage FBA Inventory Automation

The Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API) allows for direct, automated access to Manage FBA Inventory data, making it easier for businesses to integrate this data into their systems.

Openbridge allows Amazon sellers to streamline the data management process by automating Manage FBA Inventory report integrations and storing data in a unified data warehouse. This service saves sellers time manually downloading reports and reduces errors in merging and tracking downloaded reports.

Automation eliminates manual download wrangling, ensuring up-to-date and accurate data straight from the AmazonFBA Inventory API. With data stored in a unified data warehouse like Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure Data Lake, and Amazon Athena, you can combine different Amazon reports is easier to gain a more holistic view of the business.

This fast and unified data access enables teams to utilize their preferred analytical tools, such as Google Data Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, or Amazon Quicksight, for various purposes, including machine learning, business intelligence, data modeling, and online analytical processing.

Maximizing the Manage FBA Inventory Report’s Potential

To make the most of this report, consider these best practices:

  1. Regular Monitoring: Set up scheduled reports and routinely review them to keep a close eye on your inventory.
  2. Pricing Strategy: Use pricing insights from the report to adjust your selling prices competitively.
  3. Inventory Allocation: Leverage data on fulfillable and reserved quantities to allocate inventory effectively.
  4. In-Stock Head Start: Make use of data on future supply buyable and reserved future supply to manage inventory availability.

The Manage FBA Inventory report is a vital tool for Amazon sellers, offering detailed insights into their inventory, product conditions, and more. By understanding its field definitions, scheduling reports, and implementing best practices, sellers can maintain control over their inventory and optimize their e-commerce operations.

Get Started Automating Manage FBA Inventory Data for — For Free.

Ditch the messy, manual report downloads for code-free automation access to the new Amazon’s Manage FBA Inventory data. Openbridge integration is a code-free, fully-automated API integration. By providing Sellers with access to high-velocity data, they can accelerate the speed at which the team can gain valuable insights that deliver data-driven growth and profit.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial of our Amazon API code-free automation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I schedule Manage FBA Inventory reports?

The scheduling frequency should align with your inventory management needs. Consider factors like product turnover and sales velocity when choosing a frequency.

Can I use the Manage FBA Inventory report for pricing decisions?

-Yes, you can access pricing information in the report to make informed pricing decisions and stay competitive.

How can I best utilize the data on future supply buyable and reserved future supply?

-This data can help you manage inventory availability and plan for future sales. Adjust your listings and promotions accordingly.

What actions should I take if I notice discrepancies in the report data?

Investigate discrepancies promptly, reconcile your data, and take necessary actions to ensure accurate inventory management.

Can I access historical Manage FBA Inventory reports?

Amazon typically retains historical reports for a limited time. Consider downloading and archiving reports for reference if needed in the future.

Manage FBA Inventory Report: A Comprehensive Overview was originally published in Openbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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